The Benefits of a Reboot

If you subscribe to our blog or to our marketing mailings, then you are already aware that we’ve been reissuing out-of-print titles from various authors via Endpapers Press’s imprints, Ignition Books and Quadrant Books (we also have Heliosphere, but haven’t published anything under that yet).  This week, we plugged two classic novels of the Cold War by Joe Weber:  DEFCON One and Shadow Flight.

About an hour or so after the email went out, I got an email from an audio editor asking me if rights were available.  A few hours after I replied they were, I got an offer for both books.

Now, the thing to keep in mind is that these are not new titles.  In fact, they are decades old!  DEFCON One was originally published in hardcover in 1989.  Shadow Flight came out about a year later.  Thus, two books that are over twenty years old have new life!  And this, my friends, is the value of the “reboot.”

We are all aware of the concept of the “reboot” thanks to Hollywood, but instead of reimagining a story or creating something new, rebooting books by bringing them out in eBook reissues with new covers gives new generations of readers the opportunity to discover them.  And it gives old fans the chance to catch up on titles they may have missed or to read them again.

If you are an author with backlist titles that are out of print, consider a reboot.  Not only can you find new readers, but even new rights deals.  Author Coach and Endpapers Press can help you manage the reboot of your backlist titles and even the licensing of rights if you don’t have an agent ready and willing to do that.

Visit our website for more information and to contact us.


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