Tag Archives: eBooks

The Authors Guild’s Mary Rasenberger Gets It Wrong on Flat Royalties

In July’s IBPA Independent, Authors Guild executive director Mary Rasenberger wrote about the potential future of a flat royalty rate for authors. Unfortunately, her article included inaccuracies that almost certainly will mislead most authors. In her article, Rasenberger makes one … Continue reading

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Why Apple has Lost the E-Book War

As I sit here writing this, it looks like Apple will be paying many millions to settle lawsuits with the various states over E-Book pricing, as well as to settle a class-action lawsuit for the same reason. These are essentially … Continue reading

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The Magical Optional Hyphen in Microsoft Word

My wife was once working on a document and trying to get Microsoft Word to do something.  She asked me for help and I said, “Give me a minute to think.  There’s nothing we can think of to make Word … Continue reading

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Is Google Books Worth the Headaches?

As the number of self-publishers grows, the question has to be raised:  Is Google Books worth the headaches? I’m pretty close to thinking it isn’t. Let’s look at the issues: How can a company that practically rules the Internet have … Continue reading

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WTF? Kobo Doesn’t Automatically Update

One of the joys of being a publisher (www.endpaperspress.com) is dealing with authors. Now, don’t get me wrong.  I love authors.  But sometimes I forget that authors aren’t dealing with publishing headaches and production 24/7. Recently I issued a couple … Continue reading

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Author Coach

Author Coach is far more than a place to find a book doctor or freelance editor. Your author coach is there to not simply edit, but to motivate, to brainstorm, to mentor, and to help keep you on track with your goals. Your coach may recommend reading for you to do.


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